Insurance repairs

In the event of an attempted attack on your safe, Safe Central's professional team can attend to open, repair and recommision your safe to get you secured again. We have worked with most insurance companies to complete restorative works after a burglary or forced entry attack, so we can help make the process as seamless as possible,

We've got you covered.

Attempted attacks on safes will often leave damage that makes it difficult to open, and unsure as to the condition of all of the contents, or what was and wasn't stored inside the safe at the time. If you have an insurance claim after an attempted safe break-in, we can help you get the safe opened, repaired or replced with little fuss. Very often the safe will be unable to be opened if there has been damaged sustained to the locking devices, however our technicians can help you gain access to your secured valuables and recommission the safe back to working condition.

Contact us for insurance repairs